- Health & Food: Recipes: traditional vs modern recipes for old classics
- What’s in your pantry?
- Gluten Free
- Clean Eating
- Easy Family Recipes
- Nutrition: fast and easy work-outs, recipe ideas, smoothie ideas, features about diet and exercise, “what’s in your pantry” is a new feature that we are launching to get healthy tips & recipes they can adopt for their families.
- The Purge: Theme for Beauty, Fashion, Decor, Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition features
- Beauty & Fashion
- Beauty: minimal mommy make-up, embrace spring with a lighter approach, daily make-up.
- Fashion: new features : weekly style updates for spring, outfits of the day, new trends, highlighting brands
- Into the Day, Into the Night!
- Decor: trends for spring, how to spring clean, minimalist living etc – home-makeovers (true stories), DIY crafts for new home accessories
- Spring Guide for fashion, beauty, decor, recipes, and any new changes in your life
- Funny Sh*! From Your Kids – a daily feature where you can send in a sentence or two, picture, or video about which highlights a comical anecdote on their children
- Outfit or Face of the day (OOTD/FOTD): you can send in a picture of what they’re wearing or make-up to highlight their personal style
- Coffee with …: a weekly interview with a real mom
- Mommy of the Month: a feature article which highlights an extraordinary mom
- What’s in your Mommy Bag/diaper bag?
- Tip of the day/Mommy Advice: Please send in personal anecdotes and advice about parents and how to deal with what life throws at you
- In the day & the dark: Please send in personal accounts of daily routines (whether indulgent or not) can include a product they enjoy using at a particular time of the day, an activity they do every day, morning/evening routine, or even meal plans.
- Recipe of the day: quick and simple recipes for any meal or snack of the day
- What’s In your Pantry: building a pantry, efficient shopping, substitutions