Halloween Hangover: What To Do With All the Loot?

by Julie Cole
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According to my calculations, six kids equal a ridiculous amount of Halloween candy. Parents always wonder: do we let them gorge and be done with it? Or do we portion it out over an extended period of time?

I checked in with nutritionist pal, Theresa Albert, who basically said it’s six of one, half a dozen of the other. Her advice? Get rid of it altogether – you really don’t want your kids consuming that much sugar.

Looking for fun and creative ways to dispose of it? See if you can convince your little sugar monsters to try one of these:

The “Switch Witch”

This special character visits your home and replaces bags of candy with a toy or a few little presents.


A mom pal took to Pinterest when looking for ideas and found plenty. Now she has used some of the candy to make up advent calendars for the kids! You could also try melting down that extra chocolate to make this yummy bark and gift it to friends, neighbours and family.

Ditch or donate it

 Check in with your dentist! Sometimes they have trade-in programs to keep the sugar bugs off those little pearly whites. Some have even set up a program where they send the treats over to Canadian Troops.

Eat it yourself

 Speaking from experience, this never ends well. If you end up going this route, just be sure to take cover.

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