Perfect Your Fitness Routine

Don’t let the cold get you down!

by Robb Armstrong
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“If the whirlwind of cold days and a hectic family/work schedule has forced you to get out of your routine it is time to de-clutter your fitness program with kick-butt cardio and exercise training tips guaranteed to put the spring in your step!”

It’s time to revitalize your exercise program and renew your commitment to staying fit before summer takes hold. But where do you start? Well, from cardio techniques to spark your fat burning fire to a bodyweight-only exercise plan for total body shaping, plus a few key techniques to help you stay focused on your goals, spring cleaning your fitness routine will get you big-time results!

Stoke Your Fat Burning Fire

When it comes to weight loss being your top priority, the most important element in your plan will be to make sure you are burning more calories on a daily basis than you are consuming. That being said, you’ll need a time-efficient, dynamic workout tweaked for your specific fitness goals, limitations and level of ability. This will aim to keep you focused during your exercise session and produce faster results than simply choosing what to do at random.

Check out the important tips to assembling your plan below. It crosses various fitness levels and intensities to stoke your fat burning fire!

Cardio Program Tips For Tweaking Intensity


Getting Results:

  • A warm-up, cool-down and stretching
  • A challenging mix of intensities – forward, backwards and side-stepping
  • Hill climbs at various levels, speed and recovery intervals

Best equipment to use: Check out cardio equipment like treadmills, elliptical machines, recumbent and spin bikes. You can even split up your cardio session between more than one piece of cardio equipment. *This variety helps prevent boredom and ensures you won’t be tempted to skip cardio sessions.

Irresistable Bodyweight-Only Resistance Training

Dropping your traditional free-weights and resistance machines from time to time for using only your bodyweight can be just the change your body’s been craving to either ease back into your program or break past a current plateau. In fact, using just your bodyweight for your fitness training has many great advantages such as increased body awareness, strength, agility, speed, balance, co-ordination, rehab, muscle tone, shape, size and endurance, weight loss, and can perform anywhere – indoors or out. Plus, if the military can build their iron-cast physiques with this style of training, you can too!

Totally Hard-Core & More

Building lean muscle bodyweight-only-style is all the rage – and for good reason, it works! With so much of the emphasis being put on your abdominals and lower back to stabilize while you work to exhaust each muscle group, you get a complete, SAFE workout infused with increased intensity and endless endurance. Plus, you’ll always get the added bonus of incredible calorie-burning effects.

*It’s important to remember that your body can’t tell the difference between a barbell, a dumbbell, a kettlebell or its own body weight. It only knows how hard it needs to contract in order to move the resistance.


Bodyweight-Only Lean Muscle & Toning Tips:

  • Incorporate some type of push-up and pull-up into your routine
  • To add a greater dimension to your bodyweight exercises, discover the popular TRX training tool.
  • Bodyweight exercises offer a more natural range of motion which therefore decreases joint stress on the body

You’ll now have a lot of incidental training going on. Apart from your chest, shoulders and triceps being used while doing push-ups, for example, opposing muscles such as your your lats become involved to protect your shoulders, your abs and glutes kick in to stop your hips from sagging, and your quads and hamstrings tense up to keep your legs straight

Best equipment to use: From TRX suspension training kits to BOSU and Medicine balls to resistance bands and more, discover many of the lightweight, versatile equipment you can take and use anywhere!

A Fresh Approach Leads to Results!

Your overall aim, no matter your fitness goal, is to maximize your time spent. If you’re a fitness newbie, construct a no-fail program by using an initial three-week timetable. This method will allow you to adjust your personal schedule and allow for consistency and ease into your program. Plus, changing up the scenery by taking your efforts outdoors to playgrounds and wooded trails will add fresh and fun elements to your training outing. Employing these tips and techniques will get you going strong this spring!

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Happy Training!

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