If you ask Miss Manners she’ll probably tell you that a baby shower should only be given for the family’s first child! So, the question is to sprinkle or not sprinkle the second child? We pooh-pooh that policy! The arrival of each and every child is a special and memorable event that should be cherished. Sprinkles are small showers for a subsequent child. It is especially nice if there are a few years between pregnancies or when the baby is of a different gender than the previous one.
Stick with Simple
As the more modest name suggests, you will want to tone down the size and scale of the shindig. If you feel awkward about asking your inner circle to open up their wallets again, simply request no gifts on the invite. Which incidentally should be more along the lines of an Evite than custom letterpress in accordance with the low-key nature of this fete.. We love this post with Baby Sprinkle poems you can use for your invite! Choose a Theme It’s ok to pick a theme but remember this is supposed to be a low-key affair. So don’t overboard on extensive décor or sweet table designs. One of our favourite ideas is to literally use “sprinkles” for your theme. They are colourful and can be used in a variety of fun ways. Check out Darling & Ninth’s Pinterest board for more Sprinkle inspiration.

Keep it Kid-Friendly
We are talking about your second (or maybe even third) child after all, so there’s a good chance your guests may also have babes in tow and appreciate the consideration. Just be sure to plan something that doesn’t interfere with nap times and don’t forget to bring a little gift for the soon-to-be big brother or new big sister! The last thing you want is to start sibling rivalry!
Give the Games a Rest
You’ve already been down the newborn path and endured all the due date guessing games and embarrassing belly measurements, you don’t need to subject yourself to this silliness anymore. A sprinkle is a chance for your closest friends and family to celebrate your happy news; not for playing Bump Bingo. Get excited for your newest baby all over again by throwing a special “sprinkle” in his or her honour, everyone loves a great excuse to celebrate.