Fighting the Winter Blues

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Winter is a tough time for anyone. With the cold weather,
cold and flu season, and the holiday season, things in your
home are bound to get hectic. Your children will feel it too.
Seasonal depression is most common in the winter, and your
children are not exempt. We tend to spend a lot more time
indoors and at home during the winter months due to the
cold (and often times harsh) weather. This can affect your
child’s mood greatly. They may sleep more, eat more, see
their friends less, and have an overall “blue” mood. So what
can you do to conquer the winter blues?

Find fun winter activities to do outside the home.
Many places will have winter festivals and activities that you
and your child can participate in during the cold winter
months. Participating in these activities will keep your child
connected socially, driving away the isolation that comes
with the winter months.

Keep your child active.
Whether it is skating, skiing, or just going for a winter walk
with other families and friends, planning fun activities can
keep your child’s mind off of the cold winter weather and
keep them active. Many pools and community centres also
have winter swimming classes and other camps during the
winter break. Keeping your child up and off the couch during
the winter is important, as there can be a smaller opportunity
for your child to play outside. Finding ways to keep your child
indoors is a great way to fight their winter blues.

Plan fun activities while you are at home.
Being at home doesn’t mean you have to be bored. Planning
things like a day of baking or just sitting down with your child
to do crafts, can break up a long day spent inside. Keeping
your child busy while they are at home keeps their brain

more active than just sitting in front of the television alone.
Making sure that they have lots to do at home can help fight
off the boredom that can happen being inside all day.
Check in with your child.
Just asking your child how they are feeling can make a world
of difference. Keeping the lines of communication open
between you and your child is essential at any time of the
year, not just during the winter. By asking them how they are
feeling, you can work on finding solutions to their “blue”
moods together.
Just because it is cold outside, it does not mean that you
and your child have to be blue. By staying busy, keeping
active, and keeping an ear on your child’s mood, you can
help your child combat the winter blues.
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